Below are Atlanta Housing’s open solicitations. Please refer to the individual solicitation for specific requirements and deadline information.
- RFP 2025-0064 Security Guard Services Addendum #1
- RFP 2025-0064 Security Guard Services
- RFP 2025-0058 Addendum 2 Aging Well Programs and Services
- RFP 2025-0073 Short-Term Housing Assistance Program
- RFP 2025-0033 450 Adaptive Reuse and New Construction for Hank Aaron Drive
- RFP 2025-0058 Aging Well Programs and Services
- Choice HomeFlex NOFA_RePosted April 2024
- NOFA Faircloth to RAD Addendum Letter #2 w_Revised HUD Guide- Signed
- NOFA Faircloth to RAD Addendum #1_Letter- Signed
- FairCloth-to-Rad_NOFA_2023